“I was in a dilemma, I needed a few great photos and my web site up to par in a matter of days. I cannot thank Sheri enough for coming through. Sheri has an amazing ability to envision a finalized image before shooting and then execute it to perfection. I appreciated her ability to understand and create exactly what I hoped for despite my inability to put into words the type of images I wanted. She was able to turn a plain office into a beautiful backdrop. After expressing my desire for a new website, Sheri immediately put me in touch with her web designer, Deb from San Clemente Web Site Design on speaker phone and the two of them created a concept that I love. Talk about going the extra mile! Sheri is a master photographer and truly cares about her clients needs above and beyond her service. I recommend her to anyone wanting a beautiful and fresh corporate head shot that you will be proud to use across all of your marketing platforms.”
– Chelsea Storey
Chelsea Storey, Esq.,
The Law Office of Chelsea Storey
Family law attorney serving Orange County, CA and surrounding areas.